This is an inside view of the fancy two-story, alpine-roofed, tetra-paked hen dorm, the top being the nests and the bottom the roosts.
Adobe bricks! Indeed, we´ve started to take advantage of the "dry" season, and make some bricks. These were first ones and we were mostly experimenting with the soil. We tried different mixes (sawdust, sand, straw...) to see what would be the strongest. The best batch was the simplest-- only cut straw and water added to our super clay-ey soil which, if they had been dried in the shade, I think, would be perfect (they cracked quite a bit sunny-side up.) More bricks soon to come!!
Mud-stomping in the jungle... ¡que divertido!
Our gardens are still lovely and generous, especially with cucumbers (which I have been eating, pickling, and giving away.) Since it´s been so dry lately, our little babbling brook stopped flowing, and many people in the area have dry wells. We are lucky, though, to have the river nearby for watering, and our spring still full. And this week the heat was broken up by some rainshowers and welcome clouds. More rain on its way, they say, so our veggies will no doubt be rejoicing soon...
Can you tell which one he is??? (Hint: not the dramatic one on the left.) The only problem so far is that Rambo keeps forgetting and scaring himself into barking fits. He´s not the brightest dog, as Marcelo likes to remind us, but we love him just the same...
Bonus Photos:
Weird bug invasion! This is a bug... for real!
And this is an attempt to capture the full moon rising in the Mama Roja tree... She was magnificent!
1 comment:
WOAH!!! Chickens!! I'm so excited for you guys! And what a lovely house they have. Great work!
I'm disappointed to be missing all those new crazy creatures...
I had an amazing time in Bahia (great recommendations, Marcelo!) and I'm heading home soon for Christmas.
Missing the farm and still keeping track of the moon cycles.
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