We´ve been clearing over-grown brush and spikey-viney gnarled weeds in order to untangle the hidden magnificence of this place. We´ve seen majestic multi-colored birds, found fruit trees and surprising flowers, come upon crooked necks in the river that will make excellent swimming holes come summer. And yes, we´ve been startled by the appearance of a few inquisitive snakes and big hairy spiders.
Everyday is delicious discovery.
Everyday we laugh at new jungle wonders.
Everyday we work till the sweat stings our eyes.
And everyday I find out just how little I know. I have moments that I have to stop and check myself for sanity: Am I crazy to be carving a life out of this strange green wild? Maybe. Am I happy trying? Extremely.
Chicos! estaré expectante por la continuacion de sus aventuras...
buena suerte, y espero poder hacer viajar pronto para ayudarlos con lo que haga falta, por un tiempo. Mientras tanto, muchos besos y abrazos, y mas besos y mas abrazos. Fuerza, chicos!
Wow how great it is that you have this blog set up! Look at that red earth and gorgeous watering hole, not to mention all the wonders that you describe, what a majical thing you guys have begun! Best of wishes with the work ahead, hope one day I can come lend a hand! Besitos XX Kas
ohh my crazy sister.. the things you get in to.. mom is still always worried about you but i have to reassure her ther you know what you got into and that you will be alright... im proud of you and it looks so beautiful i cant wait to go and help you both out! who knows maybe i can get mom to come with me.. of course dad would have to stay home with the animals or as mom would call them "The boys"..
love you both,
Hola chiquillos. Me sorprendi ver el 'refri' en el rio. Wow. Tal vez un dia electricidad del sol? Celulas fotovoltaicas (no se como se dice esto bien en espanol). Pero saben, cuando construimos nuestra casa en las montanas de nueva york vivimos igual un verano. Todavia existe el "outhouse" de madera en el bosque detras de la casa. Look forward to seeing both of you. Dejame saber si necesiten algo de aca. Me dicen que Fedex puede mandar hasta un jicuzzi lleno de aqua Perrier en estos dias.
Katie (y Ricky)
Kim y Marce: Todos los grandes viajes empiezan con el primer paso y este que dieron es gigantesco. El proyecto es monumental y diferente, la flia Buttice de Mexico los felicita y esta sumamente orgullosa de ustedes. Los retos que encaran son grandes, pero el animo parece y estoy seguro esta en su lugar. ¿Hay algun lugar normal por ahi cerca para los citadinos burgueses que los quieran ir a visitar?jajajajajaja. (si hay dulce de leche, cuenten conmigo)Si se pudre el chancho en el mundo (como parece) los que los tildaban de locos les van a ir a tocar la tranquera.
Besos y felicitaciones de los Buttice de Mexico
Dear beautful people! What a project... what an energy... what a way of living... i am very very impressed and i think this is one of the best things to do in this life. I am blown of my socks and my respect to you two is tremendous!
I am sure i will come to help in the future, can't wait. I send you lots of love, light, strength and courage, Big kiss, Anke
sanity is relative. you folks are innovative and brave! keep it up!
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