Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This last month has been a busy one... working in between the lovely spring showers and enjoying warmer weather, getting ready for more planting and our upcoming internship! The field of oats, spelt and rye look great after so much rain, and we have added some quinoa and mandioca too। Planting seeds.. tomato, eggplant, peppers, jalapeños...

Expanding our gardens, double-digging into the super rich clay red earth...
The fenced veggie garden has 3 beds now, and we are adding another 4 super long ones for our springtime delights. Just behing the garden is the mud pit for making Earthen bricks, mortar, plasters, etc. The existing gardens are still producing beets, carrots, lettuces, etc etc...

The peas are climbing up the bamboo trellises!
The adobe bathroom is coming along... slowly because of the rain... but still on its way. Looking great, if I do say so myself!This is not the final roof (just a covering for the rain showers), and the walls lack a few more lines of bricks and bottles, plus plaster and paint, but you can get an idea of how it is progressing.
It is citrus season here, and we have oodles of mandarinas, oranges, sour oranges, and grapefruit to get creative with. A grapefruit mate anyone?Or perhaps some delicious mandarina marmelade??This full moon, we transplanted palm trees (Pindò) from our jungle to the entryway...Suki is still milking and so are we. She´s a lovely calf, ain´t she?The yoga platform floor is finished! We sealed it with linseed oil and wax, and now it is ready for some good-lovin yoga and meditation.

And some acrobatics and capoeria too...

This little fella, a tatu, or armadillo, lives next to the yoga platform and can be heard schuffling about in the early evenings. He showed me where his house-hole is, but I had to promise not to tell the neighbors (who might just eat him!) All the lovely showers hav brought forth gifts from the earth-- crystals and geodes and other rocky spectacles are showing up in our walking paths.

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