Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mud Love, Recycled Walls, and Grandiose Carrots

The winter rain showers have brought back the lovely clover, a very important ground cover and a gorgeous creeper on the red earth. The clover is joining our field of oats, spelt, and rye grass.

The rains and cool weather have been bringing forth great riches from the garden... like these fabulous carrots. The lettuce, garlic, arugula, beets, and other delights are coming along delicious- and nutritious-ly. Mmmmm...
We have been busy as usual with our constructions, deconstructions and reconstructions. We took apart our Yoga Platform floor and used the planks to gussy-up our kitchen. We put in one wall (yes, just one) on the south side near the stove to keep out the cold winter winds and driving rains. We added lots of shelves and hooks and even a window (can't be too closed in, you know.) We just finshed our dish-drying rack and have a few other little shelves to build with the leftover wood. The kitchen is really grand now, and oh-so useful for cooking for our always changing community.
Here's a shot of the kitchen (and those beautiful carrots) being put to use. Lunch is our favorite meal... and the biggest!
So the Yoga Platform floor is being replaced by tongue-and-groove hardwood planks, which will make asana practice and meditation much more enjoyable. Plus, the wood is lindisima! Marcelo has been working very hard, and singing all the while, with his radio and eclectic music mix moving to the hammer's beat.
The other big project at the moment is our bathroom and shower house. We have had the stone base done for a while, and have finally started working on the Adobe brick part. Our bricks are gorgeous and stacking into an absolutely wonderful wall, if I do say so myself. Next part is the bottle-and-cobbing. Photos soon to come...
With all this rain between the sunshine, our rivers filled up and the waterfall is back in full force. Here she is... Mama Roja Falls, as magical and inspirational as ever.


  1. seriously, i am so inspired by all this amazing work! reminds me of my visits to my village in Nigeria.

  2. Those carrots are beautiful!!!! Great job on the gardening. We should have taken lessons from you long ago.


  3. Andrea no se si sabes ingles o no leiste el blog lo cual de ser asi lo lamento pero yo Marcelo soy Argentino nacido en Quilmes Bs. As., mi esposa es Estadounidense y por una cuestion de comodiad mia el blog es en Ingles.
    Lo siento por vos que sientas ese odio hacia las personas de Estados Unidos las cuales son maravillosas, quizas no podamos decir lo mismo de los gobiernos que son una porqueria, pero nuestros gobiernos no son muy diferentes la unica diferencia es que no tiene el poder que ellos tienen.
    Suerte Marcelo
