Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tacuara, Mariposas, y otros Projectos

Spring weather is finally here, and we have been busy busy busy in the sunshine. Lots of projects going on simultaneously, which makes for interesting workdays, and mild exhaustion at night!

Water update: We now have water running directly into our kitchen and to our gardens! Marcelo installed the water tank (which gravity fills up with water from our spring) under the apricot trees just above the upper garden beds. The photo is of Marcelo´s legs and our volunteers working hard not to let him roll down the hill (oops!)

And since the summer sun is on its way, we added a shade awning on the north side of the community kitchen. We harvested the giant bamboo (called "tacuara" here) from the river, split it, and wove it into a fabulous shady covering, which will one day suport some lovely fruiting vine!

Here´s Eleanor, Danielle, and Libby modeling the awning.

Also, we are plastering the Earthbag half wall in the community kitchen. This is a photo of the first plaster (sifted earth with dried grass) and Rambo installed in his new favorite nap spot. This week, we should finish the final plaster and start painting it.

Also, we took a little afternoon outing to our friends Butterfly Reserve. They are creating a project focused on attracting butterflies and birds (their passion is nature photography), and conserving the jungle and reforesting with the native flora. They have lovely trails through a bamboo forest and this ittle bitty waterfall...!

Oh, and the wooden cabin now has a lovely sturdy plank floor (sorry no photos yet) and this week we should start putting up the outside walls (with salvaged eucalyptus rolls) and putting in the loft floor (with mixed leftover hardwood pieces.)

Also, the gardens are growing, and we are trying to organically encourage the cutter ants to find some other greens to eat... but I might not be so nice if they keep eating my arugula!!

Lots to keep us busy!!

Bonus photo this week: Bug On A Stick!

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