Saturday, September 20, 2008

Map of Mama Roja... so far

Danielle, one of current volunteers, got stuck in her tent during a rainstorm and drew a lovely map of the farm´s living spaces... It´s hard to believe this was all overgrown weeds and jungle vines just two months back!

(It was requested by Rambo-- who changed his name recently to "Rambeax"-- that we add this photo in honor of Danielle, who he still howls for in the wee hours of the night...)

And let´s not forget those blue overalls...

1 comment:

  1. Hello hello, I'm Camilo from Chile. How are you?

    I was looking at your project and was wondering if there was room for two more people to join in and help you guys with the community you're building. We're quite young (19) and we don't really have much money to contribute, but we got our spirits and energy and motivation to help outt. Very willing to work and to make a beautiful and fruitful thing out of this :).

    Big hug.
