Monday, October 28, 2013

To Scare, to Plant, and to Build

 The internship is underway, and the gardens are really growing!
We had to get a handle on the misbehaving birds, who are enjoying our gardens a little too much.  We spent an afternoon making bird scare devices out of recycled and repurposed things.  We had some very creative and truly scary inventions:  an old potato wearing chicken feathers, a headless scare crow with extra large boobs, tinkering tin cans, a pirate plastic ghost, and lots of old cds to flash in the eys of would-be seed stealers! 

 Tumeric planting!
 Purple carrot harvesting!
Poor interns, suffering from so much work after making a Hugelculture squash bed. 
 Mandala gardens resurrected and replanted!
A happy haven for our redworms in the works, with recycled tires and a liquid compost catchment system! 
 Peanuts coming up in the fields!
 The kitchen extention is rising up!
 Lots of mud and bottles--over 200 so far!
 Cob'n'bottles. A good excuse to drink more red wine!
 Always time for siesta time crafting and spanish lessons.
 Of love and mud.
 Up, up it goes.
More building photos to come soon!

Bonus photo: El Arbol de la Vida - The Tree of Life, mud sculpture in the house on the hill.

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