Some California red worms were donated to us, so now we are vermiculturing with these little beauties.
We split and wove bamboo for our garden fencing, which will also be a spectacular trellis for the beans and some other vining fruits.
And Mulberry wine....
... the leftover berries, not to be wasted, went into this little treat...
Also, while we were in the fermenting mode, we went ahead and cooked up some beer. Our first attempt, and looking good!
The under-the-sink fermentation cabinet. Beer in the white buckets with their blow-off tubes, and mulberry wine in the bottles with balloons which we have to "burp" every so often. (And some olives curing in the back too...)
As for the building site (home for a little Earthen cottage), we have started digging the Hole to prep the earth for a fermentation tecnique we will be trying, as well as some earthbagging. Next week, roofing!
As for the building site (home for a little Earthen cottage), we have started digging the Hole to prep the earth for a fermentation tecnique we will be trying, as well as some earthbagging. Next week, roofing!
Marcelo nos estamos comunicando para llevarte los DVD el sabado 31 del corriente, espero tu contestacion Nelson Cassarino. mail:
Marcelo recibi tu mensaje. Si quieren pueden pasar por Avda de los Inmigrantes junto a la radio FM 104.3 , Ruiz de Montoya a buscar el CD. Te dejo mi cel 011-15 31646747 para que me avisen cuando viene. Saludos Nelson.
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