Monday, May 12, 2014

The Gifts of Gratitude

Sweet delight in finishing up projects and programs, and moving forward into the next cycle of renewal.

Thank you to all our interns for these last couple of months of good learning and growing!
 We put the final plasters on the new kitchen entension...
 We fancied up the sculptures and are getting ready to lay the floor.
The banana mulched double-dug garden beds, soon to be filled with cabbage, kale, parsley, mustard, and more!

Still having fun with forest fungal finds...
The lower gardens getting a boost of compost (and love) for the winter...
 The bath hut for the yoga shala is in use! 
 Mirror mosaics, lime paint, and rock entrance ready!
 Laying the entryway with river stones:
 Detail work cleaning off the bottles and mosaics:
 And viola! The yoga retreat happening with a finished bath hut nearby!
 Sweet child's pose in our Santosha Yoga Retreat-- a great success!
 Thanks yoga friends!
Moving right along into the Temazcal (sweat lodge) and Ceremony to wind up this cycle's learning journey.  Here's our fire to heat the rocks, and the mud turtle altar to point us in the right direction.
All clean?  Great! Now let's have cake!

Bonus Photo: Butterfly and perfectly poised yoga toes!

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