Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happenings of March

Fall is sweetening the jungle air, the internship has brought in new energies, and Mama Roja is as beautiful as ever.  The month started quite a bit of much needed rain, which brought in friends from all over...
  And the muddy world masked us with her clay.  Mud is medicine!
 A television crew came out to film our project...
 ...and they are putting up an educational multi-part series on channel 12 of Misiones.  The first part can be seen at:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bPIF64l-48&feature=youtu.be
Who was around to supervise our mud plastering, besides the tv crew? Taca, of course! 
 More friends in surprising places...
Rainy days means workshops under the dry kitchen roof.  Wild pear jam on it's way:
 ... and peanut butter too!
Once the sun came back out, we put on our boots and headed to the garden.  Here we're putting in a sheet mulch/hugelkultur bed for native tree saplings.
Using the sun to its maximum: our new solar cooker!  Hat and glasses are not just for looking cool anymore...
 What did we cook first?  Fresh eggs, solar boiled in under 10 mintues!
We've started a new building project too.  A little bath hut adjacent to the yoga shala.  For when meditation moves you...
Each wall will be a different earthen building technique.  Here we're weaving the back wall with bamboo, which is the start to "wattle-n-cob".
 River stone and packed earth floor, re-re-recycled roof, and walls in the works.
 The view from the builders andn creepers!
 A final shot of the darn cute kittens. 
 Bonus photo: a rear view.

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