Friday, November 8, 2013

Jewels in the Jungle

Heaven in the jungle... butterflies floating through the frangrant spring air... adobe bricks stacking into a kitchen wall... old wine bottles repurposed into window-jewels...
 The dream of the community kitchen is mudding its way into reality:
 Window lintel installation.
 View of the kitchen expansion:
 The walk-in pantry!
 Peep hole... or future shelf hole support?
 From wine vessels to windows... the pleasure of bottling up the walls:
 Preparing for the arching doorway:

Pause in the blog post for ridiculously cute kitten photos:

Okay, now with that out of our system, we can proceed onto the other things we've been doing:  Nettle beer!!  We've also been fermenting our mulberries into wine, and our ginger into ginger ale! 
 Soap experiments:
 Always new friends popping in for a visit.
And why not?  A halloween pizza party, jungle-style, complete with costumes, dancing, live music, and even a little fire-juggling and -spitting! 

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