Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mud is Luxurious!

The Mud Bathroom is almost up and ready for use! Here´s a little pictorial of our interns, some returning interns, friends, and us putting up the adobe walls, roofing, and plastering:

Installing the water pipes for the wood-fired hot water heater.

Mud facials anyone?

You might recognize these returning mate addicts...

The wild women interns!

The roof goes on. The roofing is of the same recycled material that we used for the mud cottage-- tetra pak and plastic bottles. Excellent insulation and lovely to look at too.
On to plastering...
More pictures to come... the finishing touches are in the works!

In between building, we find time to make good things-- like soap!

Here we are prepping the paint for the inside of the other bathroom (the community shower house). The painting is the first picture on this blog entry. We mixed up lime putty with iron oxide and linseed oil, then frescoed on some color.
The garden is sprouting up too, and we are working on replanting. We've been waiting out the rain for the last couple of days to add some more seeds.

Bonus photo: There was a costume double-birthday party not too long ago. Needless to say, we got creative and colorful...

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