Saturday, February 20, 2010

February Finishes

Oh, the buildings are lovely! The bathhouse is mostly done, with 3 plaster coats and an indoor lime paint on the dry composting toilet side. Left side shower, right side toilet.

First layer of lime paint going on...

Before the final plaster layers. You can see the cracks here, which we filled with our sandier 2nd and 3rd coats.

And the still wet but finished toilet room, under the green transparent roof.

The outside view...
We also finished the plasters on the cottage this last month.

The key... lots of water, lots of sand.

Smooth and dry on the adobe side...
Many other activities going on here too... Besides the cooking and the eating (!), basket weaving and musical afternoons.
And spider webs galore...

And the chickens hatching out chicks, and this stubborn mama hen who demanded to brood on top of our tool box on the front porch! She gives us the evil eye everytime we walk in and out of the cabin!

Oh, and Lulu, as usual, on her perch on the sand pile. She just wants to play and play and play...

The Bamboo Bathroom has been finished and is being put to good use!

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